21.06.2010 19:56
119 kpl
- For details on this driver, including resolved issues, please review the RELEASE NOTES.
- Installing a new driver is only recommended if you are having issues with your ATI product.
- You must have Microsoft .NET Framework installed prior to downloading and installing the CATALYST Control Center
- The Catalyst Uninstaller is an optional download. We recommend using this utility to uninstall any previously installed Catalyst drivers prior to installation.
Known Issue:
- Corruption may be observed during Bioshock 2 gameplay in DirectX 9 and
DirectX 10 mode with CrossFire enabled.
- Grass and crop may be rendered randomly at unusual locations in Battlefield 2: Bad Company game scenes.
- Drag and Drop transcoded H264i content may experience audio and video
synchronization issues and deinterlacing lines when viewed on some devices.
- Under Multi-GPU configuration with Crossfire enabled, setting both Shaders
Quality and Post-Processing Quality to Enthusiast may cause the frame rate to
drop in Crysis Warhead DirectX 9 game.
- Green texture corruption may be observed when resolution/video settings are
changed in Metro 2033 game in DirectX 10 and 11 mode on some cards.
- For details on this driver, including resolved issues, please review the RELEASE NOTES.
- Installing a new driver is only recommended if you are having issues with your ATI product.
- You must have Microsoft .NET Framework installed prior to downloading and installing the CATALYST Control Center
- The Catalyst Uninstaller is an optional download. We recommend using this utility to uninstall any previously installed Catalyst drivers prior to installation.
Known Issue:
- Corruption may be observed during Bioshock 2 gameplay in DirectX 9 and
DirectX 10 mode with CrossFire enabled.
- Grass and crop may be rendered randomly at unusual locations in Battlefield 2: Bad Company game scenes.
- Drag and Drop transcoded H264i content may experience audio and video
synchronization issues and deinterlacing lines when viewed on some devices.
- Under Multi-GPU configuration with Crossfire enabled, setting both Shaders
Quality and Post-Processing Quality to Enthusiast may cause the frame rate to
drop in Crysis Warhead DirectX 9 game.
- Green texture corruption may be observed when resolution/video settings are
changed in Metro 2033 game in DirectX 10 and 11 mode on some cards.
ADSL 1M 9 min.
ADSL 2M 4 min.
ADSL 8M 1 min.
ADSL 24M 0 min.
* Huom. nopeudet ovat suuntaa-antavia, et välttämättä saa täydellä kaistanleveydellä.