27.10.2007 11:48
5932 kpl
Battlefield 2142:n 1.40-päivityksen täysversio. Ei vaadi aikaisempien päivityksien asentamista.
- Exploit Fix: hardcoded the time limits of Orbital and EMP strikes.
- RDX Shotgun now detonates RDX, Motion Mines, AP Mines with minimum of 2 rounds.
- Ported EU Assault Rifle changes to the Best Buy unlock as well.
- Fixed LMG Left/Right Recoil
- Revised EU Assault Rifle Recoil
- Increased Clark rate of fire to match Herzog
- Fixed PAC shotgun attachment recoil to match other Herzogs
- Further adjustment to Squad Leader drones to prevent them accidentally killing the Squad Leader when deployed
- Further fix to prevent "pod surfing". Note that some pod movement will still be possible and is an intended gameplay mechanic to allow the player to have some small choice of landing site and to access rooftops
- Smoke from the CM3-N Radar Grenade deploys more quickly. The Radar range has been slightly increased and endures for the duration of the smoke effect.
- The CM3-N Radar Grenade may now be resupplied.
- The screening effectiveness of all smoke grenades has been significantly improved.
- Adjusted Talon heat source position to improve Gunship missile balance.
- Beta Feedback: Fixed the placement of an AA gun on Highway Tampa
- Beta Feedback: Improved the visuals of the swimming pool on Highway TampaFEATURES
- Added an autosave to kit customisations. After you customise a kit and spawn in with that kit, the customisation will be automatically saved until you change it and spawn in again. Note that you must spawn in with a particular kit for it to be saved.
- Titans will now spawn up to two gunships per side
- Squad Leaders no longer have to resupply to re-equip destroyed drones
- Added a new map, Highway Tampa.
- Exploit Fix: hardcoded the time limits of Orbital and EMP strikes.
- RDX Shotgun now detonates RDX, Motion Mines, AP Mines with minimum of 2 rounds.
- Ported EU Assault Rifle changes to the Best Buy unlock as well.
- Fixed LMG Left/Right Recoil
- Revised EU Assault Rifle Recoil
- Increased Clark rate of fire to match Herzog
- Fixed PAC shotgun attachment recoil to match other Herzogs
- Further adjustment to Squad Leader drones to prevent them accidentally killing the Squad Leader when deployed
- Further fix to prevent "pod surfing". Note that some pod movement will still be possible and is an intended gameplay mechanic to allow the player to have some small choice of landing site and to access rooftops
- Smoke from the CM3-N Radar Grenade deploys more quickly. The Radar range has been slightly increased and endures for the duration of the smoke effect.
- The CM3-N Radar Grenade may now be resupplied.
- The screening effectiveness of all smoke grenades has been significantly improved.
- Adjusted Talon heat source position to improve Gunship missile balance.
- Beta Feedback: Fixed the placement of an AA gun on Highway Tampa
- Beta Feedback: Improved the visuals of the swimming pool on Highway TampaFEATURES
- Added an autosave to kit customisations. After you customise a kit and spawn in with that kit, the customisation will be automatically saved until you change it and spawn in again. Note that you must spawn in with a particular kit for it to be saved.
- Titans will now spawn up to two gunships per side
- Squad Leaders no longer have to resupply to re-equip destroyed drones
- Added a new map, Highway Tampa.
ADSL 1M 49 min.
ADSL 2M 24 min.
ADSL 8M 6 min.
ADSL 24M 2 min.
* Huom. nopeudet ovat suuntaa-antavia, et välttämättä saa täydellä kaistanleveydellä.
Team: Paranoia
27.10.2007 11:49
Mitä ne vielä testaa..
Edit: No se uutinen katos tuli vasta näiden viestien jälkeen..
27.10.2007 12:20
Team: JR34
27.10.2007 12:23
Battlefield 2142:n betatestaus jatkuu, sillä 1.40:sta saatiin kolmas beta ulos. Beta 2:n ansiosta siihen on saatu useita korjauksia ja muutoksia, joten testattavana on enää palvelimien vakaus. Siksi Beta 3:sta voikin pelata vain tietyillä palvelimilla.
Jos kaikki sujuu hyvin, on tämä päivitys lopullinen versio 1.40:sta.
Tässä on teille infoa. Juuri tänään tulleesta uutisesta.
Team: [LB]
13.11.2007 18:30
22.11.2007 11:21
22.11.2007 12:04
mistäs saa ton v1.40 no cd/dvd crackin? päivitin pelin mut ei pääse pelaa...
Laita pelilevy dvd-asemaan. Case closed.
22.11.2007 12:22
22.11.2007 12:41
heh...mikäs se semmonen on. ei oo ihan laillisimmast päästä tää mun peli
Battlefield.fi väki tuskin tukee Laittomasti hankittua peliä?
22.11.2007 12:53
01.02.2008 14:08
siitä en tiiä?! täytyy sit vaa instaloida uusiks ja tyytyä siihen mitä on...
Voisit myös opetella kirjoittamaan kunnolla...
24.02.2008 17:12